Some of Kalimex’s garage and motor factor customers spill the beans on the JLM Lubricants range.
In tough times, it’s understandable to shy away from taking on new products. New can bring risk as well as reward. However, reviewing a range from a brand developed for the trade and endorsed by the trade makes sound economic sense if you want to get the tills ringing with repeat sales as we emerge from the pandemic.
The products you stock will sink or swim on the verdict delivered by your trade customers – the people placing regular orders. A vote of confidence from a trade customer is worth its weight in gold. With this in mind, Kalimex asked two technicians – both members of Darren Darling’s DPF Doctor Network – and two of its motor factor stockists – both of whom order from the range on a regular basis – to have their say on JLM’s products.
Barry Lawson, Ewan Lawson Motors
We use a wide range of JLM Lubricants’ DPF products. Which product to use comes down to what we find during the vehicle assessment. If a DPF is slightly outside of its specification, a can of the JLM Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner added to the fuel tank, along with an extended road test, is an excellent way of bringing it back in line to the specification. We get vehicles in non-start conditions because the DPF is badly blocked. Here, we use the JLM Cleaning Flush Pack. This is injected directly into the DPF using the JLM DPF Toolkit. This saves on labour costs because the DPF doesn’t need removing. There’s no need for investment in special DPF machinery, and it works time and time again. JLM’s products and its toolkit are simple to use, with little training required.
Chay Blyth, Fife Auto Tech
We have used JLM Lubricants’ products since we opened our garage doors in July 2020. They are an integral part of our service. I am pleased to report that we have never been let down by their quality.
Darren Bates, Motorsavers – Peterborough (JLM distributors since January 2020)
JLM offers good quality products that give us repeat sales. The packaging is attractive and the price is reasonable. We sell JLM products to both our trade and retail customers. For us, what is also important is the reliable next-day delivery service from Kalimex.
Shab Rajani, Hinckley Motor Spares (JLM distributors since November 2019)
JLM’s products are unique and not too expensive. We often get asked by garages specifically for JLM products and are impressed by the good reviews they get. We particularly like the videos that JLM produces to support the products because they help drive sales and show technicians how to use them.