The importance of choosing a quality exhaust system

The importance of choosing a quality exhaust system

The exhaust system’s importance is often underestimated, according to Klarius Sales Director, James Ellison. They can impact vehicle performance, emissions, and customer satisfaction. Here, James emphasises the importance of “choosing quality over cost”.

Often perceived by drivers as ‘merely another replaceable part’, the exhaust system, in reality, plays a critical role in the performance and efficiency of a vehicle. As such, service workshops regularly face a tough decision: opt for a budget exhaust to ease the immediate financial pressure on the customer, or invest in a higher-quality system, one that aligns closely with the standards of the OEM to ensure durability and reliability over time?

As we delve into this question, it becomes increasingly clear that the decisions made within the walls of the workshop have extensive implications, reaching far beyond the immediate scope of a routine service or repair.

Choosing quality over cost

For many, the temptation to choose a low-cost exhaust system is strong, especially for those drivers experiencing the current economic pressures. Yet, this choice comes with hidden costs and consequences, presenting a false economy for both the vehicle owner and the workshop – but what are the hidden costs associated with fitting an economy exhaust system?

Reduced vehicle performance and efficiency

Often, what seems like a bargain in the world of car maintenance is usually a case of ‘too good to be true’. This can be particularly evident with budget exhausts, as they are often poorly designed and made with inferior materials, which fail to meet necessary performance standards.

On the surface, they’re a tempting offer, but beneath that initial low price tag could lie issues of decreased engine efficiency, increased fuel consumption, and reduced overall vehicle performance. What starts as a cost-saving measure can quickly unravel into a continuous expenditure on increased fuel consumption and maintenance costs for the driver.

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Environmental and regulatory repercussions

The exhaust system plays the lead role in controlling the engine’s emissions. When using a subpar exhaust system, it can fail to effectively control emissions levels, transforming what should be an efficient operation into a pollution problem. This is especially problematic, as it can cause the car to fail its MOT due to non-compliance with emissions standards.

Frequent replacements and customer dissatisfaction

Poorly-made exhausts, with their alluring price tags, often hide a less appealing truth: their often-poor design and susceptibility to quick degradation – be it from corrosion, shoddy construction, or simply an inability to withstand the rigors of the UK’s roads – leads to a cycle of frequent replacements. While repeat business is ideal, there’s a catch: it should be for the right reasons. Frequent visits due to the same ill-fitting or failing part will result in more harm than good. Not only do they consume additional time, labour and resources, but can also gradually erode hard-earned trust.

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What all this boils down to is a fundamental choice: if workshops are committed to upholding a standard of quality and maintaining customer trust, then the allure of low-cost exhausts is far outweighed by their long-term impact on vehicle performance, regulatory compliance, and the invaluable asset of customer satisfaction and trust.

From the broader perspective of workshop operations, the decision becomes unmistakable: investing in replacement exhaust components that are as close to the OEM’s standards as possible not only safeguards the health of the vehicles but also ensures the enduring success and reputation of businesses.

Klarius meets the needs of motor factors, workshops and vehicle owners with its extensive range of exhaust systems, designed to fit most vehicles on the UK’s roads and meeting OEM performance standards.

Klarius’ replacement exhaust systems, with a ‘fit first time’ promise, ensure vehicle efficiency and environmental compliance.

Type-approval certification, expert support, and a dedicated technical hotline, enhancing confidence and ease of service, are all part of the Klarius package.

For more information about Klarius, click here.

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