OSRAM introduces its NEOLUX bulb stand

OSRAM has added a NEOLUX bulb stand to its offering.
OSRAM’s “competitively priced and high-quality” bulb brand, NEOLUX, offers a vast range of bulbs that are “ideal” for the more “price-conscious” customer. Consequently, to maximise space and designed so your customers can easily see what bulbs you have in stock, a NEOLUX bulb stand is now available.
The stand contains 132 of the most popular headlight and auxiliary bulb types, which OSRAM claimed is easy to set up and replenish. The wire display can be positioned on a counter-top or mounted on a wall, so can be stored almost anywhere in a factor setting. Helpfully there are images of the bulbs above where they are stored, so you or a customer can quickly find the bulb they need.
For more information, click here.