MAM Software is pleased to announce that Draper Tools’ range of engine timing tools are now available to reference in its popular Autocat all-makes parts catalogue.
Draper Tools provides engine timing tools for an extensive range of both petrol and diesel vehicles. The comprehensive range of tools covers thousands of engines and is continually expanding.
To help factors and retailers find and sell find the right timing tools, Draper Tools is using MAM’s Automate Online data management tool to organise and publish its product data to MAM’s Autocat catalogue. This ensures the data is correctly mapped to MAM’s make model index (MMI) and enables catalogue users to accurately identify the right tools using UK vehicle registration numbers.
“By publishing our data to Autocat, we’re making it easier for motor factors and retailers to find the right tool for the job,” said Paul Collings of Draper Tools.
“Stockists can use the catalogue to quickly identify the right tool, and use our fast, efficient delivery service to get it delivered next day. So, whether you’re working on VWs, Vauxhalls or Volvos – the new Draper Tools range covers a variety of makes and models and the easy-to-use Autocat search facility makes finding what you need straightforward.”
“We are pleased to welcome Draper Tools to the growing number of tool suppliers that feature in Autocat,” said Tony Mason, MAM’s Sales Manager for data and e-commerce products.
“As engines become more and more complex, the need for vehicle-specific tools increases. By matching their tools to our make model index, Draper Tools is making it easy for stockists to identify the right tool from a vehicle’s registration number.”
Used by over 11,000 counter staff across the country, Autocat is the UK’s premier all-makes parts catalogue. Draper Tools’ timing tools can be found under the Fitting Tools category.