Autoelectro has ISO standards renewed

Autoelectro has ISO standards renewed

Autoelectro, a remanufacturer of starter motors and alternators in the UK, has revealed that its three ISO quality management standards have been renewed for another three years.

Following a week of independent analysis at Autoelectro’s remanufacturing facility, including scrutiny of its processes, manufacturing, quality control and stock holding, the remanufacturer has met the criteria necessary to uphold its ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certifications.

The rotating electrics specialist claims to be relentless in its mission to set the benchmark in what is a competitive product category. With quality – alongside range, availability and customer service – a pillar of the business, being able to highlight ISO credentials once more is a major coup.

Autoelectro received its first ISO quality management accolade in 1995. Nearly 30 years on, the company says standards continue to be high.

Which ISO standards do Autoelectro possess?

ISO 9001: This is the international standard for quality management systems. Possessing this certificate is said to reflect Autoelectro’s commitment to delivering exceptional product quality. It also apparently validates its ongoing efforts to improve its processes, enhance customer satisfaction, and deliver what the company claims are the most reliable and highest quality starter motors and alternators available in the aftermarket.

ISO 14001: This is the environmental sustainability accreditation. This certification emphasises Autoelectro’s influential commitment to environmental sustainability. This can reportedly be seen in all aspects of Autoelectro’s business, as it looks to minimise its environmental impact through efficient resource use, waste reduction, and continuous improvement of remanufacturing procedures. As one of the UK’s largest remanufacturer of starter motors and alternators, Autoelectro is said to be proud to be contributing towards a greener future.

ISO 45001: This is the occupational health and safety accreditation. The recertification of this standard is said to reaffirm Autoelectro’s dedication and commitment to ensuring a safe and healthy workplace for all the members of its company family. It’s also said the accreditation also recognises its systematic approach to identifying and mitigating occupational health and safety risks whilst prioritising the physical and mental well-being of its workforce. The company says it has created a culture of implementing safety protocols and promoting safety education and training.

“The hard work starts again!”

Autoelectro’s Harnek Bhogal believes this latest round of ISO certifications supports the company’s approach, mentality and processes towards quality, sustainability and workplace safety and happiness.

He said: “To have our three ISO accreditations renewed for another three years is a testament to the incredibly high standards and expectations we set for ourselves here at Autoelectro. We work hard to maintain our values and ethics, to ensure staff and customers receive the best from of us. We’re pleased to be recognised for our efforts once again, but the hard work starts again now!”

For more information about Autoelectro, click here.

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