Does ADAS impact windscreen repair?

In recent years, windscreen technology has undergone significant evolution, notes Victoria Evans, director of Esprit Windscreen Repair Equipment. Once merely a laminated glass component, windscreens now serve as a multifunctional tool for ensuring the safety and awareness of both drivers and passengers. This transformation includes the integration of ADAS, head-up displays, and augmented reality features.
Consequently, windscreen repair has had to move with the times. Victoria explained how ADAS impacts windscreen replacement and repair: “When Esprit first started repairing screens back in the 1980s, there were minimal considerations when deciding where on the screen we could repair.
“Following the introduction of the British Standards in the 1990s, different repairs could be carried out in different areas of the screen, based on size and area of damage. When the Standards were reviewed in 2022, we considered the impact of ADAS technology in ascertaining where it would be safe to repair, and whether ADAS could be affected by a repair.”
“Windscreen repair doesn’t affect ADAS systems”
Victoria claimed that with the introduction of ADAS technology, it has become “increasingly expensive and complex to remove, replace and recalibrate windscreens”. Therefore, this has made the demand for repairs “even greater”.
She continued: “Repair doesn’t affect ADAS systems, and although we recommend not carrying out repairs in the hatched area of the screen, or in front of any cameras, a repair can be safely and easily carried out in any other area of the screen. There are some restrictions on the size of damage that can be repaired in front of the driver’s vision – damage should be smaller than 20mm in this zone – but these are minimal.”
Times change
Victoria revealed that the company used to find that workshops would often prefer to replace a windscreen than repair, because there was a good profit margin, and it was a fairly straightforward swap.
However, considering the cost of new glass, plus the time required to recalibrate, and the fact that with a repair, there’s no recalibration and it only takes around 20 minutes, repair is “almost always a more cost effective and simple screen solution”.
She added: “In addition to that, the profit margin on repair is great, with the costs of repair normally being around £2 to £3, with garages charging around £35 to £40, and that’s for around 20 minutes work!
“Furthermore, most consumers and companies are turning their minds to the sustainability of their products, and clearly repairing a screen where possible is preferable to replacement, in terms of simple sustainability, as well as cost and convenience.”
Would a repaired windscreen behave differently with ADAS?
Reassuringly, Victoria said it wouldn’t before adding: “Windscreens are used to having small areas of mild distortion, such as with dirt or rain, and ADAS is calibrated to cope with this. A windscreen repair carried out with a reputable product will leave such a small mark behind that this wouldn’t interfere with the ADAS or head up display, any more than a rain drop might.
“Additionally, an unrepaired chip is much more distracting to the driver and runs the risk of turning into a crack. Our Esprit repair kit has been tested by TÜV Rheinland to the ECE R43 standard, which is that of a new screen, so customers can be assured that any repairs carried out will leave the screen in excellent condition.
“Part of the testing regimen was the ‘clarity’ test, which checks for any distortion in the screen after a repair has been carried out. Esprit passed this test, as well as the other various tests for strength and torsion, so we’re very confident that a repaired screen is an excellent choice for all new vehicles that have windscreen damage.”
What about CVs?
Victoria shared that the Esprit system could also be used on trucks, buses and coaches: “We’re actually receiving feedback that newer screens are thinner on CVs, and this means they do tend to damage more easily. CV screens tend to be extremely expensive and more complex to replace, and repair is an excellent option for fleets of all types.”
Cost effective, efficient, sustainable and works with new technology: Victoria believes it is time to talk to your customers about windscreen repair.