What is Wood Auto Supplies’ approach to EVs?

What is Wood Auto Supplies’ approach to EVs?

Following on from part one, Mike Blissett, Sales Director at Wood Auto Supplies, delves into the company’s approach to the EV market, its reputation for reliability and how it keeps up with market trends. 

Q. Bringing EVs into the conversation, how is Wood Auto Supplies adapting its product line-up to cater to the evolving needs of motor factors and their trade customers, the workshops?

A. “We are already catering for start-stop applications with the Valeo i- STARS alternator range and other 48v hybrid vehicles +Line alternators.

“Our new AC range caters some hybrids too. Our long-term strategy at PSH group is to become a market leading supplier in other emerging critical electrical product groups, and we are already well advanced in exploring sources for aftermarket ranges of electro-motors, DC converters and even hybrid and full EV battery packs.”

Q. Does Wood Auto Supplies have a strong reputation for reliability and quality? How does the company ensure consistent performance across its products?

A. “Absolutely! From our own manufacturing roots from way back in 1929 when Wood Auto was founded, to our current European and global OE and aftermarket supply partners, quality is our first core principle. All of our units are 100% bench tested. I’m pleased to say that our warranty department is the quietest area of the business! Our warranty rate, overall, is less than 0.7% with a stringent internal reporting process in place should a rare quality issue arise.”

Q. Looking ahead, what are the key trends or developments that motor factors should keep an eye on in the rotating electrics and AC markets, and how is Wood Auto Supplies positioned to meet these?

A. “In addition to the market trends shown above and our existing coverage of hybrid and start-stop applications, our UK and European webshops allow us to monitor what our customer base is searching for, and we use this data to keep ahead of current and future product demands in local markets.

“Our experience of selling OE ranges also affords us the knowledge of which units tend to require replacing, at what frequency and at what time to introduce a quality aftermarket alternative. So, we remain well positioned in the UK to cope with existing demand and cater for the future with a view of holding the units in UK stock that our customers (need).”

For more information about Wood Auto Supplies, click here.

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