What is Simply Brands’ growth strategy?

In part two of an interview with Simply Brands Business Development Manager, Sam Robinson, he explains the company’s strategies for growth.
Q. Could you provide some insights into Simply Brands’ ambitions and strategies to impress motor factors?
A. “Although we are looking to expand to new markets in Europe in particular, we’re by no means leaving the UK behind, and there’s a very clear ambition to continue to invest in the brand and continue to grow in the UK market. We need to make sure we’re helping factors to sell product and make it as easy as possible for them. On a purely practical level, this includes investing in cataloguing for MAM, which we have just developed and launched for our complete bulb and wiper blade programmes. From more of a marketing perspective, we’ll be looking into consumer and garage promotions, workouts and more to continue to raise the profile of the brand and give factors and retailers alike confidence in the product itself.”
Q. How do you envisage leveraging your previous experience in the sector to contribute to the growth and success of Simply Brands?
A. “I’ve been lucky to be involved with product management and marketing across both the UK and Europe and feel I have some great contacts, not only with distributors and retailers, but also with the media and in helping to shape marketing plans and strategies. I’m hoping I can bring some of this experience to Simply to help formulate a structured, long term marketing plan to ultimately grow recognition of our branded product lines.”
Q. Given that Simply Brands might not be widely recognised, how do you plan to increase brand visibility and market presence? Is a ‘sleeping giant’ a fair description?
A. “I think it certainly is, and people often underestimate the size of the business and the workforce, not to mention some of the calibre of customers that we have. Of course, the names and nature of our private label business remains confidential, but the goal alongside this is to increase awareness of the Simply brand name itself, both in the automotive sector but also in home and leisure.
“We’ve very recently strengthened the team with the introduction of Tom Kay, our new digital manager. He’s only been with us a few weeks, but already Tom is shaping out some great strategies for our online and social activities that will continue to grow. Alongside this, we’re working with an external PR agency to improve our communications through the more traditional automotive media. Some sponsorship opportunities are in the pipeline and will be announced shortly, which should help give us some great brand recognition at a more consumer and auto enthusiasts level.”
Q. As someone newly joining the team, what are your initial impressions of the company culture at Simply Brands and JRP Distribution, and how do you see yourself fitting into it?
A. “I love it! Having spent many years as part of a huge corporate organisation, being back working within a smaller team is fantastic. We are able to react so quickly to market demands and customer requirements, and the owner is willing to invest into long-term projects, not just a ‘today’ mentality. There’s a real sense of working together and everybody is encouraged to have an input on individual projects, as well as the overall direction of the business. We’re trusted completely to get on with our jobs and do what we need to do to deliver – but if we do need support, our CEO is at the other end of the phone any time of day or night!”